Step 1

BASICS 1 Class
This course is designed for new believers and those who desire to review the cornerstone fundamentals of the Christian faith.
It is a mandatory class for those who plan to be baptized and become a member of our church.

Step 2

BASICS 2 Class
Basics 2 class is meant to get a better understanding of the House of Bread church doctrines, crucial covenants, and sacraments.

Step 3

DNA Class
If you are a first-time visitor or simply desire to learn more about our church, we invite you to attend our DNA Class. You will learn about the history, structure, vision and doctrines of House of Bread Church.

Step 4

All those desiring to serve, are invited to attend our SERVE Class. You will reintroduced to the vision of the church, its structure,  as well as our governing beliefs and doctrines. You will be equipped to understand your calling, spiritual gifts, and find your place within our church family. Even if you reside outside the Sacramento area, you will gain useful information to apply in your local community.

When is the Next Class?