
If you have the desire to be useful to God and to those around you as well, then you have found a great place!
At House of Bread Church you can serve with your talents. Do you enjoy working with children, students, or adults? We have volunteer positions open! Would you like to greet people, answer their questions, or just help in maintaining the church territory? No problem! Join our dedicated team of ushers. If you’d like to help us reach out to our visitors, organize a celebration, decorate the Worship Center, or process Connect Cards and other documents then get plugged into the Administrative Ministry. Are you able to write an article, conduct an interview, or record a video? Then the Media Ministry invites you to join them in their work! Perhaps you have a free day during your week or a few hours per month that you would like to devote to volunteering. There are lots of areas where your help would be invaluable.
Please contact us by phone, fill out a Connect Card, or write us an e-mail and become a part of the whole!